Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Proven once again!

Joining Weight Watchers before my mind is "set" is a complete waste of time. I re-joined for about six months, and was re-introduced to everything that made me dislike it in the first place. Our group seemed to concentrate on processed foods as being the salvation because of low point values, in some cases. These foods are so full of sugar for me that they are not an option, and not the way that I want to go. However, I was re-introduced to the fact that everything we eat counts, and if nothing else, this whole episode made me face the scale again!
Here we are, at the brink of another year. A friend of mine has lost a lot of weight this past year following "Calorie King". This was successful because she paid attention to what she ate and when her calories are "done", she is "done" eating for the day. Surely this is not too difficult a concept for me to learn!
Holiday events are almost done, there is a gym in my community (which I have been using!) and so here the ride begins again! Will 2012 be the year? And, just how many days are left until bathing suit season begins????

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stuck in Traffic

Weight traffic, that is. I have made very little "headway" since starting a year ago, and have basically given up on Weight Watchers. Not that it isn't a good program, but I was not doing my part. Waiting to get weighed, and then gauging my efforts on those numbers was just not good. So, for a while, I am going to weigh myself two times a week, with a new scale, in the morning, so I do not have the excuse that it must be the day, the clothes, etc.
To reach my goal, I am going to have to lose 43 pounds, give or take a few ounces. Trying to stay off any junk food, and overt sugar. Walking on the treadmill or outside. Walk more, eat less. That is the plan!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A little bit of progress to report, although it is very little! At least the scale went down a bit, thanks to not eating out quite as much and perhaps getting a little exercise in. Again, can only say that the people who are having great success....get this! ...follow the program! They count points, they exercise regularly, and keep track. I have only managed to do this on given days. Which is why I am having little success.
However, I am still going to meetings, and "facing the music". Getting with the program can't be far behind!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Long Absence....

It has been several months since I last reported "in". Suffice to say, I am still working on my plan with W.W., but all I can say that is successful is that I continue to go to meetings. Christmas got in the way, winter got in the way, and I am way lazier than I was in the fall. Have "played" with the same few pounds for the whole month of January. Haven't tracked food intake, so that has been a huge mistake. Have renewed for another six months. Time to start tracking, and think that maybe having the tracking on the fridge might help. Seem to have fallen into the habit of eating in the evening. Bad mistake. Need to report here to keep true.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why I love and Hate Summer!

Having a great summer with many events to attend and host. Nothing major, but all involve food and many involve restaurant eating. Had two lunches out this week, three dinners out at restaurants, guests over twice, and a party to attend. Now, considering all of this, I managed to only add .2 pounds to my weight. AAAGGGGHH! Keep in mind that if I hadn't gained that .2 pounds, and had only managed to lose .1 more, I would have jumped to a lower "decade" in weight. That would have sounded so much better in terms of numbers. 
  The real kicker was when I discussed this with two pros at W.W.  They tell me that they don't drink a thing after 2 p.m. of weigh-in day....and I had been guzzling water, and tea all afternoon! Will have to try their method next week and see if my efforts show. Wish I had a morning weigh-in, and then I wouldn't blame it on jewelry, glasses, clothes, water, meals, extra mascara, etc......
  This major event, and out of two for two days. However, since that is life, and I have to cope with that, I guess I will just have to do my best, and hope for good news next Tuesday night!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Slowly but Surely....

Did manage to lose another pound this week at weigh-in. Felt as though I had made a great effort, and then I realized that we had been out for more meals than I realized, and this is an area which gives me great problems. No matter how I think I am doing in terms of portion control, etc., it seems to get the better of me. So, I should not be surprised at this very gradual weight loss. The fact that the scale showed up four pounds heavier after the June feasting, (I got away with it for a few weeks! Didn't show up on the scale!)  means that I have been fighting to get that off. Used to be a whole lot easier to take weight off! What is that about? Has my metabolism slowed down to NOTHING in my "old age"? Could it be that my poor body has been on diets so often that it is not going to be fooled into giving up weight so easily this time? (I think my first diet started when I was below my ideal weight! What was I thinking??)
   My goal this week is to track at least four of the days. Write it before you bite it....we'll see!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Buffets...the scourge of a dieter's existence!

After having three very successful days at sticking with my program, I found myself at a huge buffet out of town today for the mid-day meal. The one good thing I can say is that it was the early meal. I could add that I had walked for an hour early in the day, and that after the meal, I walked for around 1 1/2 hours, and some of that was uphill. I could also say that although I ate more than usual, it seemed that I tried a bit of what was on my plate, rather than eating everything. Yes, I had dessert, but half of the choices I had taken. The buffet, it seems, was not the bad part. Dinner on the way home was more than I needed, although I opted for a side salad instead of fries. Have avoided regular hamburgers for three weeks, but had one tonight. Could have lessened the damage by having the kids' size burger. Hindsight is 20/20....and then having eaten more than normal all day, somehow, peanuts fell into my mouth tonight when we got home. Had never read the nutritional info about peanuts before. Not good in terms of calories, particularly after a heavy food day. Hope that I learned my lesson and can stick to something tomorrow!